Become part of our Code Park family by contributing. Your support not only adds you to our community but also fuels the spread of knowledge! 🌳 Before you get started, please take a moment to review the guidelines below to ensure a smooth and collaborative experience.
Be Respectful: Always be courteous and respectful towards other contributors. Encourage a positive and inclusive community.
Avoid Binary and Executable Files: Please refrain from uploading any binary or executable files. The focus of this repository is on clear and concise code implementations.
Follow Code Etiquette: Ensure that your code is well-commented for clarity. Follow the coding standards relevant to the language you are using.
The repository is organized into folders based on different topics and programming languages. To maintain a structured and organized codebase, please adhere to the following guidelines:
or test.c
.If you want to contribute code on a specific topic and there is already an existing folder related to that topic, please follow these guidelines:
We believe that a coder is an artist, and we cannot teach an artist how to be creative. Therefore, feel free to write code as you wish. However, to reduce bugs and improve performance, please follow the rules below:
Place your code or solution in a separated class or function. Avoid implementing it directly within the main function. Instead, utilize the main function for testing purposes.
Refrain from using typedef or define macros to create shortcuts. Users may sometimes only copy the function without copying the macro definition, leading to potential bugs or build failures.
Use large data types like long long or double instead of int or float to avoid unexpected bug for large argument.
Use snake_case naming convention.
Example Code:
return summation of two number.
@param number1
@param number2
@return sum of number1 and number2
long long sum(long long a, long long b)
// returning sum of the numbers
return a + b;
int main()
int x = 1, y = 2;
int sum = sum()
Follow these steps to submit your contribution:
if you are working locally(obviously after cloning your forked repository),
it is always recommanded to use git pull command before making any change in the repository. If you get Already up to date. then your repository already synced with the original repository. Else it will be synced.
If you are using vs code, make sure you installed GitLens for better support.
and before start doing your work, press the button at the left buttom,
If you are using tarminal/cmd/powershell, use git push, If you see any messages like,
Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged
it means your repository is not synced with the original repository but you made a change. Do not panic,The simplest solution is,
Copy your folder/file(your update) in a safe location and delete the repository.
Then follow the above submitting contribution section again.
If you encounter difficulties contributing via GitHub, Please search the internet and read some documentations. There is no alternative method for contribution outside of GitHub
Happy coding! 🚀